The 36 Hertz Mastering studio is centered around our vintage Hill audio remix console. This rare and highly sought after British designed and built console brings a classic analogue sound that no other studio can offer. Our analogue signal chain features mostly valve circuit EQ’s and Compression to bring warmth to our work.
The ethos behind the studio build was vintage with as much of our equipment being purchased for a vintage analogue sound. We favor old skool techniques with a modern twist for our trademark sound.
We like to offer the best of both worlds with every option available for audio treatment from classic options such as Reel to Reel and DAT through to modern digital standards. No matter what your project we can get the exact sound you are looking for with a studio built to create analogue warmth that no one else can emulate.
Our mastering and mix engineer has been releasing music over many years now under the alias of DJ Vapour as well as working on undercover non Drum N Bass projects under another top secret name. He has gained release’s on some of the top labels in the Drum N Bass scene and is regularly featured on BBC Radio 1, BBC 1Xtra and also Kiss FM. With DJ’s Such as Andy C, Randall, Grooverider, Skream, DJ EZ and B Traits all Championing his music in the clubs.

Custom built AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz PC running 32GB of RAM at 64bit running the latest software and plug in’s. This machine was built to our spec specifically for the use for mastering and music production. This is connected to a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 MK3 USB Audio card Synced with a Behringer ada8000 for multiple output configurations to the studios mixing desk. Motu Midi Express 128 for hardware control, Running Cubase 12
Hill Audio Remix 24 Mixing console – The is an extremely rare 1980’s British built mixing desk – Possibly one of the only units still in the UK and one of only a handful in the world. This is a fully analogue desk with no digital components running on a custom rack mounted power supply. Featuring 24 channels, 16 tape channels over 8 busses through to a dual fader stereo output with no less than 19 configurable VU meters for level monitoring. As yet we have not found one other studio in the UK running one of these and the closest unit we are aware of is in the Ukraine.
Mastering outboard consists of – ART VLA tube compressor offering stereo Valve compression. BSS Opal FCS966 Equaliser, TL Audio 5051 Valve channel strip, BDS PP-131 real time analyzer, TL Audio 5021 Stereo Valve compressor, Behringer Tube T19521 Dual Tube compressor, Drawmer DS201 Dual Noise gate, Klark Teknik EQP-KT Valve Pultec EQ (x2), BDS PP-131 Analyzer, TC Electronic Clarity M Audio Scope.
Vinyl cutting – Vinyl recorder T560 with main unit, optimizer and monitor switcher, technics sl1200, Furman power conditioner, 3 X VU meters and analyzers
Recording and ADA conversion – Tascam DA30MK2 DAT Recorder, Technics CD-A500 CD / Tape, Technics SL1210MK2 Vinyl Turntable with Sony Preamp, Behringer ADA8200 ADA convertor. Kramer VS-4x4s Audio router
Monitoring – PMC TB1 X2, Dynaudio BM15 X2, Tannoy Cheviots X2, Behringer Truth 2031A X2. Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro Headphones. Fully sound treated room with custom acoustic panels, Soundproofing and triple glazed.
Power – EMO power conditioning unit (X3)
For Fun – EMU E64 Sampler, Akai S3000Xl (Fully Loaded), Behringer Odyssey, Behringer Vamp Pro Distortion, Behringer TD3, Model Samples, Behringer RD-9 Drum Machine. Custom built modular synth system running Atari Junk consoles and home made components.